Wednesday, 7 December 2016

'It's the most wonderful time of the year...' Ugh. Maybe not

As the song goes, it's the "most wonderful time of the year" - it's not for everyone. For every merry carol singer, there's a person who will happily slam a door in their face. For every person who buys and wraps their Christmas presents in August, there's someone who leaves it until Christmas Eve. For every person who organises a great big family get together, they'll be someone who's alone for Christmas. Does this sound familiar?

Saturday, 26 November 2016

My ultimate happy playlist

As you may have read in my 9 things for down days post, music is very important to me. As a coping technique, as well as a shared interest with my loved ones. In this day and age, music is part of everyone's daily lives, it's on the radio, the TV, our phones, computers, at work... You can't get away from it.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Let's talk: Panic attacks

Turns out, I don't own a beanie, so I had to nick my dad's. I can pull it off right?
I remember my first panic attack well, I'm sure we all do? Or at least snippets. The first thing I remember, was thinking that I was dying. And then hearing my mum running up the stairs because she heard me struggling to breath. I honestly did think I was dying.

But I was so lucky my mum knew what was happening. She'd heard about these panic attacks before you see and she knew exactly what to do.


Friday, 18 November 2016

It's a... (Gender Reveal!)

I'm really struggling with this blog post... I'm still utterly speechless.

As many of you other mummy's will know (or new mum's may not know yet), the anomaly (20 week scan) takes quite a while to perform - especially as our little bubba wouldn't get into position due to all the wriggling!

Friday, 11 November 2016

9 things for down days: part 2

So, you read last week's blog for a few of my tips on how I deal with down days and you're back for more (woop woop). I've had a very funny week. After posting 9 things for down days part 1, I seemed to have the most down days I've ever had in a week and found myself lost in trying to use my own techniques. I'd already written this post so didn't want to change or add any, but something that really cheered me up this week was these:


Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Do we find out the baby's sex?

It's not long to go until me and Chris will be heading to our 20 week scan to see our beautiful bubba through the screen again. And the question on everyone's lips (basically since we found out we were having a baby) is: are you finding out the baby's sex?

To do this day, I'm still unsure. I'm filled with anxiety in both decision.... And even more anxiety about making a decision (anxiety is stupid).


Wednesday, 2 November 2016

9 things for down days: Part 1

We all have down days. I'm definitely not the first to admit this. Some days you wake up and you just know it's going to be bad day, you're mood is low, you're demotivated and basically would do anything to spend the day in bed.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Talking mental health: 18 week update

Last week, I met with my consultant for the first time, and another midwife, who both specialised in Mental Health. I felt this appointment coming a LONG time, so I can't say I was too anxious about it. I was more looking forward to it than anything else (doesn't sound like me I know!) I just wanted to speak to someone, tell them how I felt and for them to know how to help me or at least tell me it's normal to feel how I'm feeling. Hence me writing this post for you guys. 


Sunday, 23 October 2016

Bedroom interior inspiration

Re-decoration of bedroom a la me kicked off this weekend! So I thought I'd share with you some of my bedroom interior inspirations. Of course, all absolutely pin-able.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Khaki jumper of dreams

I'll be on honest, me and New Look don't tend to get on that well. (Excuse me while I be snobby), but I find a lot of their stuff a bit cheapy - too poor quality to justify not having a 'Primark  price tag'. However, since falling pregnant, I'm trying to tune the snob in me down and instead of going to higher end high street stores, I've been looking elsewhere.


Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Pregnant or fat? Mental Health in Pregnancy

Finding of you're pregnant is one of the most exciting times in a woman's life. However, if you do or have suffered with a negative body image, an eating disorder, low self-esteem etc. it can also be a very hard and stressful time. Especially at the beginning. Your body begins to start changing out of nowhere and you've only just found out you're pregnant! This is when I struggled the most. Up until I had the scan, I was a mess. But after I saw baby at the 12 week scan, it put a lot into perspective for me. And I started thinking and doing differently.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Rollercoaster life: World Mental Health Day

Hi guys, I thought I'd write something a little more personal to raise awareness for Mental Health, especially as it is World Mental Health Day tomorrow.

Over the years, I've had a real rollercoaster of a time. A lot of it, I find far too personal at the moment to be able to share. But the basics, I'm happy to share. It's important that people realise they are not alone. I had an eating disorder (bulimia and anorexia) and clinical depression.

The worst year of my life. 


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Migraines, nose bleeds and belly aches: Second trimester blues


Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Not your usual 12 week scan

We are all aware I overthink. I get anxious over almost everything and anything. But the day I reached the 12 week milestone. I was filled with more anxiety than ever. Surely, I should be excited. But all I could think is, "why haven't I received my dating scan appointment yet?"

Thursday, 22 September 2016

We're having a BABY!


Thursday, 8 September 2016

Are you Netflix and chillin' too much?

Are you and your partner quiet unsociable? Pretty happy being in each others company watching Netflix and chilling... Usually eating pizza or some kind of junk food. Me and Chris are a bit like that on our days off. We have the odd day we'll be sociable, hang out with friends, see family. But most days, we don't.

We both kinda like our 'time alone', I hate to say that we're loners, but sometimes we kinda are. But we like to be loners together. Sit in front of the telly, with laptop or phone in one hand and pizza in the other. It has become our favourite kinda day. We are trying to get out of this habit however! And get out a bit more and enjoy the world for what it is. But we will never lose our lazy days.

Not every couple go out on dates every weekend and get up to lots. 'We ain't a power couple, and we are proud.' I mean c'mon, how cozy is sitting in your PJs all day? If you and your boo find yourself Netflix and chilling a bit too much, you'll totally relate.


Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Each person we meet in life  can teach us different, valuable things. As many people say, they are grateful for their exes or ex best friends for teaching them about relationships. But my boyfriend is truly unique. Nobody is perfect, but somebody are perfect to you. You compliment each other. To me, he has taught me so much in our time together. Not only about relationships, but actually about myself. So much, that I could never truly thank him enough. 


Monday, 23 May 2016

Social media habits that could be making you depressed

In this day and age, the Internet and social media is everything. Pretty much everyone is on social media, especially the younger generation. Bad news: using social media makes you more prone to depression! A new study took a survey of adults between 19 and 32 and compared their social media usage to their happiness. And yup, you guessed right, those who used social media more often, were significantly more likely to be depressed. But WHY?


Friday, 20 May 2016

9 ways to reduce anxiety

When you're feeling anxiety or there is a period in your life that you feel is particularly ruled by your anxiety, you may feel like your stuck in this rut and unsure of how to make it better. Let me tell you honestly, I am there right now.

For a period of time, I have felt like my anxiety is taking over my life and it just isn't going away. Every day is a fighting battle to get up in the morning and leave the house. It just seems unthinkable. The hardest part of all, I've found for a long time I could handle my anxiety and knew ways of dealing with it. But I am stuck in a rut. However, once I chose that actually anxiety is not going to rule my life and started doing the things I know work. Hey ho, I am feeling like I rule the freaking world!


Thursday, 19 May 2016

All about Mary-Kate and Ashley

I don't know if you're the same as me, but since a little kiddie I have been obsessed with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Every book they wrote (e.g. Two of Kind books, Influence etc.), I bought. Every DVD, even New York Minute, which apparently was a huge fail - I loved it.


Everyone's wearing... Double denim

Ah Double Denim, once considered the Fashion Faux Pas is not only being embraced, but now encouraged. The celebs are wearing it, but they're doing it better. Instead of tucking in a faded denim shirt with dark denim skinnies, the celebs are doing it right making me wanna go buy more denim to double up!


Thursday, 21 April 2016

9 bohemian bedrooms to inspire you

A bedroom can be more than just the place you go to sleep at night. It can be your haven, the place you to go to escape and be at peace with yourself and simply chill. These 9 bedrooms are inspired by a bohemian vibe that makes me wanna scoot my booty to the store and redecorate! I can just imagine being so happy and at peace in one of these bedrooms. From hanging plants and colour bedspreads to white lace curtains and wooden shelving, there will be something for in each to create your own bohemian paradise.


Monday, 18 April 2016

It's so pretty and bright


Sunday, 17 April 2016

Dear diary: Sunday funday

I have a love-hate relationship with Sunday's. On the one hand, I love that I can get up whenever I want, laze around before having a shower and getting ready and watch as much TV as a like. On the other hand, as the evening draws in, I get a bit of the 'Sunday night blues' releasing its Monday tomorrow and the weekend is over and on top of that I get bored.


Friday, 15 April 2016

19 things every girl should know

Life isn't always easy... There's the self-doubt, the low confidence, the breakups, having to hit the gym every day so you don't get 'fat'. Here's some things you need to know, and live a happy life:




Dear Diary: Shopping with us

Me and Chris decided we'd pop to Dunelm to have a bit of a shop around for things for our new place. We had such a great time and found lots of little bits that would go perfectly in our home. We find it so exciting shopping for new home things! Creating our own little paradise.


Thursday, 14 April 2016

It's OK, you don't really need a career

I can honestly say, since a young age, I wanted to grow up and have a successful career and that was really all I cared about. I would go to school, try my hardest and come home and revise. This was even in Primary School. I'd come home, do my homework and then do my times tables with my dad or spelling with my mum.


Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Wedding Guest Ideas

*Wedding Bells!* Get all excited and look like I have a coat hanger in mouth. Then... the realization hits home that I'm going to have to find a pretty dress suitable for a wedding.. In the Summer! *Pretty dress phobia sweats*


Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Dear Diary: It's Barney!


10 things to know before moving in together

Me and Chris (my boyfriend) kind of started things off pretty suddenly. We met in July, went official in August and well basically spend every second of the day together from there. I was spending most evenings after work at his house or him at mine, and we stayed together most nights. I suppose from that day we met, something clicked. It just felt right. Like he was the missing piece of my story and everything in my life fitted in together. OK, I may not have career stability, and neither has he, but we have our dreams and goals, which we shared with each other straight away. And we have spend the last eight months focusing on helping each other reach them (not yet reached however).


Monday, 11 April 2016

The ultimate spring ASOS wish list

I can't lie to you, I was super excited when the ASOS Spring Collection came in that I may have jumped up and down a little bit... Not only does this mean better weather (hopefully ay?), but it gives me an excuse to go on a mega ASOS haul - YAY.

There are so many different items of clothing on my wish list! My fave are the maxi/midi skirts. I love me a maxi skirt. It's just flows as you walk and you feel like yes, I'm a hippie, I'm free spirited, I like to walk in a field bare foot making daisy chains. But the colour of this particular skirt (11) is gorgeous! Bright and beautiful. And red(!)...

I've always been a bit scared to wear red - it is such a bold colour, but golly this skirt is so beautiful and with it's tie-dye print, I think anyone could pull this off! Imagine wearing this walking through the park with a coffee in one hand, sunglasses on head and a pretty off the shoulder number on top. Yes yes yes.

Along with the fact Spring has sprung, this means Holiday Season is coming! More importantly, bikini season! (I hear you all gasp and start running to the gym!) I LOVE Asos bikni's. They cater for all shapes and sizes; whether you want to cover up or bare all (not quite all).

Each year, several go in my basket from pretty floral pieces, to bright orange to the classic black bikini. Now number 6 isn't your classic black bikini. It includes the very 'now' sport fishnet style. Gimme gimme. You'll have everyone looking at you on the beach in this number, for the right reason!

Cute headpieces, chilled jumpsuits, sunnnies, skirt dresses, picnic dress, trainers, mules! What more could a girl ask for? ASOS I love you.

Let me know what's on your ASOS wish list :)

See you soon.



Sunday, 10 April 2016

Dear diary: F is for Fashion


"Passion for fashion" may sound a bit cliche, but oh how true it is.


Interview Wear


Weight loss = Happiness

We all say, “once I have lost weight I will be happy” but is that necessarily true?

Thousands of people buy into this weight-loss game, spending huge amounts of money of diet pills, diet plans, exercise DVDs, gym subscriptions etc. Television programmes such as The Biggest Loser and My Big Fat Diet Show are watched by millions and everyone loves a story of dramatic weight loss journey. Oh and the media loves it! But really is it all worth it?



With all this in the media about the co-pilot committing suicide flying the Germanwings plane, while sending 150 people to their death, it has sparked me to write this post. 

So it has been reported that he was suffering with on-going mental health issues and had actually been signed off of work by his doctor – i’m guessing due to suicidal tendencies and the fact of his job! Yet still he is a “selfish” and “evil”. Yes I completely understand this, he has killed over a hundred people while committing this act but it is some of the things people are saying and I have heard in the past which has inspired this post. 

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