Wednesday, 24 May 2017


#MumMeTime was created to remind myself and other mum's out there, that we all need a little "me time", even when we are parents. Many mum's see this as being selfish and not a priority which I want to stop. Carving out just a little time for yourself once a week allows you to recharge your batteries and relive any stresses.

Mental health is a topic very close to my heart and being a mum shouldn't mean you "ignore" the importance of self-care to keep your mind and body healthy. Having a balanced life is so important for your mental health and if you're just go go go with whatever it is, work, looking after your children, cooking, cleaning, running errands etc. your mind has no time to rest and recharge.

Here are 5 reasons why "me time" is so important for mum's:
  1. It allows you to rest and recharge - this will make you a better mum in the long run 
  2. It reduces stress - long term, stress can have adverse affects on your mind and body 
  3. It gives you a break - if you can't look after your family unless you look after yourself 
  4. It allows you to reflect and gather your thoughts - this is so important for your mental wellbeing. Being a mum is usually very go go go and you rarely have time to take a moment to reflect over things that may have happened and just let your mind wander. Our minds are full of schedules and vigorous planning, so sometimes we need time to allow ourselves to just "be."
  5. Absence makes the heart grow fonder - whenever I'm away from Noah, be it 5 minutes or an hour, I miss him so much. When I see him, I give him more love than I probably would have given him if I'd been with him for that hour. I'm full of energy and excitement to see him. Making him happier, and me happier. 
Basically, in the long run, allowing time to yourself will benefit both you AND your family. A happy mama means happy children. It's a win win.

I will posting here all about the importance of me time, why you shouldn't feel selfish about it, ideas for your me time this week and insight into how I'm spending mine.

Feel free to join in with the hashtag #MumMeTime and share your thoughts and photos of what you've been up to. 

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